On Wednesday, October 20 2021, a panel from SIU will be brainstorming on ways to make all campuses more inclusive in a live virtual discussion called "Perspectives on Creating an Antiracist System." Over the past several years all State University Employees and students have taken mandatory anti-racist training online, by themselves.
But one of the panel's experts says, what could be even more productive, in terms of results, is to maybe have in-person discussions on race and inclusivity. Rose Moroz is the Assistant Dean of the Graduate School at SIU-C.
"As a former teacher, I've found that sharing and discussing with others is one of the most useful ways to really truly learn. And I think there's a lot of learning that needs to be involved if we are going to move towards more anti-racist on campus. We have to be able to, recognize other people's struggles when they are different from our own."
The live virtual discussion starts at 12Noon and questions can be submitted by e-mailing them to pkeith@siu.edu