Journey back Inside The Blanket Fort as we continue our discussion with author Gordon Leidner about his book Abraham Lincoln and the Bible: A Complete Compendium.
Published in April 2023 by SIU Press, this book digs into Lincoln’s lifelong study of scripture and how it affected him personally, professionally, and politically. Leidner opens with a short biography that focuses on Lincoln’s use of the Bible, how it shaped him as a person, how its influence changed over time, and how biblical quotations peppered his letters, speeches, and conversations. By showcasing Lincoln’s specific biblical references and influences, Leidner re-frames the question of Lincoln’s religious beliefs so that readers may evaluate for themselves what solace and guidance the Bible afforded the sixteenth president.
This week we conclude our interview by asking Leidner about his favorite part of writing Abraham Lincoln and the Bible: A Complete Compendium.