Journey back Inside The Blanket Fort as we begin our “New Year, New in Paperback” look at SIU Press titles recently published in paperback for the first time.
To kick things off, we’ll explore the three new-in-paperback titles from our Fall 2023 season:
The Dark Days of Abraham Lincoln's Widow, as Revealed by Her Own Letters, was written in 1927 but barred from timely publication by the Lincoln family.
Grant Park: The Evolution of Chicago’s Front Yard by Dennis H. Cremin was named the 2014 Illinois State Historical Society Book of the Year upon its original release.
Richard W. Etulain’s Lincoln Looks West: From the Mississippi to the Pacific is another vital addition to the life story of our sixteenth president. This volume explores Abraham Lincoln’s ties to the American West, bringing together a variety of scholars and experts who offer a look at Lincoln’s legacy in the territory beyond the Mississippi River.