Brittney McKenna
Produced by Brandi Carlile, the eponymous 11-song collection offers snapshots of Brandy Clark the person, not Brandy Clark the pen-for-hire.
"We had basically farmed every nutrient we could out of the potential of this band's soil and we needed to let it rest," Sara Watkins says of the nine-year break between Nickel Creek albums.
In the aftermath of an early-pandemic breakdown, Combs sought solace in a regular songwriting routine. The result is a beautiful, intimate album that grapples with personal and existential questions.
On Shires' latest record, her songwriting is more fearless and vulnerable than ever – but as always, it's a reflection of an artist focused intently on community, equality and inclusivity.
Carlile wrote her latest album during COVID-19 lockdown, fresh off having written a memoir. The record plumbs her past with humility, but even more so, celebrates the hard-won wisdom she's gained.
Roots music has always had rule-breakers, but its shift this century toward genre-twisting innovation owes a lot to a 2000 album by three kids barely old enough to vote.
East Nashville, where many artists and industry folks work and live, was hit particularly hard by the tornado that swept through the city in the early hours of Tuesday.
The husband-and-wife duo's new album is an impressive feat of song craft from one of roots music's most exciting, unpredictable acts.
Two and a half years ago, the British singer had a career-sparking moment at a music festival. Now, she's releasing her powerful debut with the help of producer Dan Auerbach.
On her sophomore release The Future and The Past, the heartbreak of Prass' 2015 self-titled debut is still there in spades, but the narrative — as well as the music itself — is somehow grander yet.