This week the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, PBS and America’s Public Television Stations were cited for their work to prepare children in reading. Accepting the award for America’s Public Television Stations, president and CEO Patrick Butler said:
Public television provides the only pre-school education there is for 60 percent of America’s childrenPatrick Butler, APTS President/CEO
“It’s a great honor for our local stations throughout the country to be recognized by such an outstanding organization as the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading for the work we do every day to help America’s kids get ready to learn in school and succeed in life."
“Public television provides the only pre-school education there is for 60 percent of America’s children, and we have met that challenge with programming and support services that dozens of peer-reviewed research studies have shown to help children get ready for grade-level reading – and help close the achievement gap between children from low-income backgrounds and their more affluent peers.
“We’ve been dedicated to this mission for more than fifty years, and it was never more important than during the pandemic years when America’s schools were operating remotely."
“Everyone in public television – along with our community partners in schools, libraries, Head Start programs, Boys and Girls Clubs, the home school community and others – is pleased to make this essential contribution to the success of American education every day.
“We are grateful for the bipartisan support we receive from Congress and from 39 State governments, whose annual investments make this work possible, and we hope this support will continue so that we can serve America’s children even better in the years to come.”
Learn more about the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading on their Facebook page or visit their website.
About APTS
America’s Public Television Stations (APTS) is a nonprofit membership organization ensuring a strong and financially sound public television system and helping member stations provide essential public services in education, public safety and civic leadership to the American people. For more information, visit