The event encourages attendees to share their thoughts on digital advancements in the region.
The Egyptian Area Telephone Cooperative Association received funding from the federal ReConnect program to expand high-speed internet.
Those with internet have better earning potential, ILEPI, UI study suggests
Rural areas are often the last to receive broadband. The lack of broadband is similar to another issue that rural communities faced decades ago — rural...
Broadband internet will be available to more Southern Illinoisans as part of the federal ReConnect program.US Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and…
A communications company that serves several communities in southern Illinois is trying to expand educational opportunities for low-income families.Two…
The battle over net neutrality is heating up again - as supporters in Congress have just introduced a bill to reinstate Obama-era consumer protections…
Mediacom customers in southern Illinois can now get the same product - at a faster speed.They're offering 1 gigabyte speed, that's 40 times the speed…