Brehm Preparatory school in Carbondale is facing an urgent financial challenge. The school serves students in 6th to 12th grades who have learning differences. They also have an adult program that helps students learn important life skills.
Dr. Richard Collins is head of the school. He says the problem they're having is like most private schools. They have seen a decrease in enrollment and funding. The school's goal is to raise one-million dollars by May.
To fight the shortfall, they are focusing on three areas to sustain their programs and staff for students. Parent volunteers are helping the school focus on increased enrollment, marketing of the school, and fundraising.
Dr. Collins says the school provides services not found anywhere else and that's why this fundraising campaign is so important, "We need to fundraise to offset some of the operational costs and also create endowments to protect the future."
Collins says that with this project they money raised will also go to local scholarships. If you'd like to help the school, visit the school's website