The legislation is aimed at improving public safety, recruiting and retaining police officers and providing assistance to victims of violent crime.
Hearings have been longer, more deliberative – resembling federal detention proceedings
Public defenders, while supportive of reform, anticipate major workload increases
Courts will see longer detention hearings, new parameters for jailing accused defenders
He says other jurisdictions have experimented with extreme reforms of cash bail and have experienced disastrous repercussions.
Chief Reno states they will add body cams 1 and a half years ahead of state mandate.
On the next CapitolView, Anchor Fred Martino talks with Illinois State Senator Dale Fowler. Analysis from John Jackson of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute and Dave McKinney of WBEZ.
Abolition of cash bail was placed on hold in December pending appeal to Supreme Court
Both sides agree to timeline that would further delay Pretrial Fairness Act’s implementation
A Kankakee County judge sided with prosecutors and sheriffs from across Illinois in ruling the cash bail section of the legislation violates the Illinois Constitution. Attorney General Kwame Raoul has vowed to appeal.