Blanket Fort Radio Theater presents "Survived by One: The Life and Mind of a Family Mass Murderer" by Robert Hanlon and Thomas Odle from SIU Press. In the first episode, Tom Odle contemplates memories of his early childhood and his relationship with his mother.
In Episode 1, Tom Odle contemplates memories of his early childhood and his relationship with his mother.
Tom recalls the abuse and isolation he experienced while growing up.
Tom Odle details the control his mother had over her children.
Tom Odle talks about his adolescent struggle for independence.
Tom Odle describes his early experiences with sex, drugs, and crime.
The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services removes Tom’s brother Sean from the Odle family home.
Tom Odle describes his senior year of high school and meeting a girl that would have a big impact on his life.
Tom Odle briefly enters the army before being discharged, an act that sets his downward spiral in motion.
Tom Odle describes the day leading up to the murders.