On this day in 1961, Berry Gordy signs The Supremes to Motown Records.
Southern Illinois Music Festival 2025 Preview is this Saturday from 4-6 pm at Artspace 304. The event features Bach, Beethoven, Wine and Cheese as well as musicians Edward Benyas, Anita Hutton and Amelia Korbitz. Email benyas@siu.edu to reserve your spot. And go ahead and save the date for the next Southern Illinois Music Festival which is planned for May 23-June 8. Featuring two Donizetti Operas with Ballet Orchestral and Chamber Music (by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert.) The festival also offers programs like Klassics for Kids and Jive with Jazz. All will be held at venues throughout Southern Illinois. See more at www.sifest.com
Free dinner, film screening and conversation.
WHAT: FREE preview of “Free for All: The Public Library”
WHERE: Carbondale Public Library
WHEN: Tuesday, January 21, 5pm to 7pm
NOTE: Dinner provided for first 35 guests
Indie Lens Pop-Up, presented by ITVS, INDEPENDENT LENS, WSIU and the Carbondale Public Library, will host a screening of “Free for All: The Public Library,” featuring a panel discussion and free meal. “Free for All: The Public Library” tells the story of the quiet revolutionaries who created a civic institution where everything is free, and the doors are open to all. The film chronicles the evolution of the nation’s public libraries, tracing the battles over who can enter, what belongs there, and who makes these decisions, while exploring how public commons are defined and defended.
In Mt. Vernon, The 2025 Home & Outdoor Expo is coming up February 21st & 22nd at Times Square Mall. Friday 5-9. Saturday 9-5.