A six-figure gift to the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute will help get more college students involved in public service. At a press conference on giving Tuesday, Jo and Glenn Poshard announced that they are gifting $100,000 to the Institute. The Director of the Institute, John Shaw, says the money will establish an endowment for the Renewing Illinois Summit.
The summit is an annual gathering of Illinois college students every year who brainstorm on ideas to take Illinois into the future.
Glenn Poshard said that the many young people he talks with are very positive about the future, and say that they don't want politics to get in the way of finding the middle ground on solutions.
Director John Shaw says students are not often asked what they think the future of Illinois should look like, and added that, this gift from the Poshards will ensure the long-term future of the Renewing Illinois summit.
To learn more about the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, see: https://paulsimoninstitute.siu.edu/
To learn more about the Renewing Illinois summit, for college and university students in Illinois, browse to: https://paulsimoninstitute.siu.edu/initiatives/renewing-illinois.php