SIU's Undergraduate Student Government (USG) has just passed a bill backing a student fee for the health center.
Currently the health center is running on a budget deficit, they've done everything to try and cut back operating costs. Programs have been nixed, salaries have been cut from the top, staff has been let go; but they're still struggling.
Penny Bordewick, the USG president was approached by the health center at the beginning of the fall 2024 semester about the potential implementation of a student health fee.
"Their overall fee has not been increased in eleven years. Which, you know, is quite some time considering the inflation changes that we've had, and the whole pandemic, and the cost of medical supplies has just increased so drastically that they needed some help," said Bordewick.
The proposed fee had two parts. The health center was looking for $1 per credit hour as a general student health fee and $5 per credit hour as a new mental health fee.
This would be the first mental health fee in the history of the university and will eliminate door fees for Counseling and Physiological Services or CAPS.
At the recent meeting where USG voted to approve the fee it was amended by senators to $2 per credit hour for the general student health fee.
Bordewick says it was exciting to see the health center will be receive the health they need.
"You know, it wasn't my idea, but I think it says a lot about what the health center does for us," said Bordewick. "That senators, in an overwhelming majority agree that we should increase this."
This resolution has been passed by USG but it still has a long way to go before it will hit student accounts.
Graduate Professional Student Council still has to come to their own resolution. Bordewick says she is hopeful they'll pass a similar bill in favor of the fee.
"Thinking about mental health services, especially for grad students, it seemed like it was going to be important. Grad students do use CAPS, just as much as undergrads do," said Bordewick. "Making that a little more cost effective for students, it's popular."
Both resolutions will then be presented to the Board of Trustees by Chancellor Austin Lane.
A final decision regarding the addition of the student health fee is pending a vote by the Board of Trustees in April 2025.