The Rural Electric Cooperative Scorecard Initiative has officially launched its first statewide assessment of the 25 rural electric cooperatives across Illinois.
It has conducted an in-depth evaluation of every co-op in Illinois, assessing a wide range of practices including the transition to renewable energy, member-owner programs, transparency, and governance.
Egyptian Electric Cooperative, which serves 15,000 meters across ten counties in southern Illinois, scored a 9.5 out of 16. Their scores in accessibility and governance transparency were near perfect, receiving marks in seven out of eight categories.
Southwestern Electric, which serves 24,000 meters across parts of ten counties in the region, scored 6 of 16. Southwestern performed equally in the governance accessibility category and member programs, receiving 3 marks out of 8 in each. Southwestern is one of five cooperatives to offer both efficiency rebates and an energy efficiency program.
SouthEastern Illinois Electric, which serves 23,000 meters across parts of 10 counties, scored just 2 of 16. SouthEastern struggled in the governance transparency and accessibility category, along with member programs. SouthEastern does provide member-owners with a utility bill explainer.
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