The American Red Cross is experiencing a critical blood shortage, with the national supply plummeting by more than 25% since July 1. This alarming decline is attributed to a combination of extreme heat and increased summer travel, which have significantly disrupted blood donation efforts. Nearly 100 blood drives were impacted by the heat in July alone, leading to a shortfall of over 19,000 donations.
The situation is particularly dire for type O blood, both O positive and O negative, which are crucial for emergency treatments and trauma victims. Dr. Eric Gehrie, the executive physician director for the Red Cross, emphasizes the urgent need for type O blood to ensure hospitals are prepared for the most life-threatening situations.
Despite the challenges, the demand for blood products from hospitals remains strong, with blood being sent out faster than it is being donated. The Red Cross is working tirelessly with hospitals to meet patient needs but cannot do it alone. They are calling on donors of all blood types to come forward and help replenish the supply.
To encourage donations, the Red Cross is offering a $20 gift card by email to those who give blood, platelets, or plasma in August. Appointments can be made through the Red Cross Blood Donor App, at, or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
Upcoming blood donation opportunities in the region include multiple dates and locations throughout Missouri and Illinois. For example, in Carbondale, IL, donors can visit First United Methodist Church on August 5 or University Mall on August 15 and 16. There are numerous other opportunities in nearby towns as well.
The Red Cross urges everyone eligible to donate and help ensure that hospital shelves are restocked and ready for any emergencies.