Killman said secession would protect Illinois from President-elect Donald Trump's autocratic regime.
The City of Carbondale is now accepting nominating petitions for three four-year City Council member terms.
At the city council meeting on February 13th, landlords and tenants voiced their concerns and praise for the cities idea of adding a landlord license
The two groups say this is an action to help civilians, hostages, aid workers, and others at risk in Gaza.
A Carbondale City Council member is selected as a delegate to a conference to tackle national issuesClare Killman is one of 13 Elected City and Council Official Delegates.
LaCaje Hill will fill the unexpired term of Carolin Harvey, who was elected Mayor this spring
The change was prompted by daily protests at Carbondale's two reproductive healthcare providers.
The change is prompted by daily protest at Carbondale's two reproductive healthcare providers.
At Tuesday’s meeting the Carbondale City Council heard an update on the Southern Illinois Multimodal Station.
Carbondale city leaders are looking at options after talks over a potential merger with the city's Park District have stalled.